2A3 Canadian Marconi RCA
2A3 RCA (Original Boxes)
2A3 RCA (JAN Boxes 1953)
2A3 Sylvania Black Plate
2A3 Westinghouse (Made in Canada)


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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. sunfeng

    i want to buy some 2a3,please contact me。
    how much for a pair of marconi 2a3?

    1. Raul

      Send me price for a quad 2a3. Now I have 4 rca cnc gray plate.
      And send me price also for 45 tube.
      Are better than eml or kr?

  2. admin


    I’ve sent you email. Also RCA, Westinghouse and Sylvania in stock.

    Kind regards and thanks in interest in http://www.tubes.rs ,


  3. ziweizhao

    I want to buy two rca 2a3 tubes

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