6SN7GTB General Electric
6SN7GT Ken Rad VT231 Parallel Black Plates
6SN7GT National Union (Black glass, square getter, black flat plates)
6SN7GT Philips Miniwatt
6SN7GT Philips Eindhoven and Mazda Bruxelles used
6SN7GT RCA VT-231 Black plates, clear glass, silver printing, 1956
6SN7GT RCA Coin Base 25 euro each, 49 euros matched pair
6SN7WGT Sylvania Chrome Tops Brown Base JAN CHS
6N8S Russian tube 6H8C 6SN7GT
12SN7GT Heintz & Kaufman
12SN7GTA Sylvania Chrome Top
Click to see all Preamplifier triodes in stock
Do you still have PHILIPS 6SN7GT, black glass, Made in Holland in stock ? Thank you.
auriez-vous 2 tubes 5692 RCA ou Sylvania ou 2 tubes Sylvania 6SN7 WGT VT 231 neufs et appairés en stock (si possible avec gain élevé et faible microphonie) ?
Quel serait le prix pour une expédition en Nouvelle-Calédonie?
Would you have some balanced 6sn7gt or gtb tubes? I need one 6sn7gt on my amp (Almarro 318B), and i am looking for some NOS tubes.
Preferably 50′ 6sn7gt’s, as i had reliability issues with a vt231 ken rad (6sn7) from the 40′.
Thank you
Thank you for your interest in our tubes. Here are some of 6SN7 pairs we have in stock.