New in original boxes, gold pins, 7LH Δ4E2 codes, gray electrostatic shield, double stage ring getter, made in Heerlen Holland. These are real PHILIPS MINIWATT “S.Q.” low noise frame grid inner constricion tubes made for audio, and they are really great in audio use, famous for 3D, open air, sweet highs and exceptional mids.

E88CC 6922 Philips Heerlen Holland E88CC 6922 Philips Heerlen Holland E88CC 6922 Philips Heerlen Holland


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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. E. Maas

    How much is 5 matched pairs incl transport to the netherlands


  2. J Sethi


    How much for a matched pair including shipping to India?


  3. Gustavo

    HI, how much is a matched pair and shipping to Spain?
    Thanks and regards.

  4. Ed Piek

    Hello hiw match for a matched pair and shipping to the Netherlands?

  5. Jan-Pieter

    How much for two matched pairs including shipping to the Netherlands?

    Best regards

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