To my point of view, ECC40 is one of the best double triodes for audio use. Small problem is B8A Rimlock socket. Almost all versions are round plates and silver plated pins! Characteristics are very interesting, somewhere between ECC82 (12AU7) and ECC83 (12AX7) and almost all ECC40 I tested are low microphonics. In phase splitter aplications this tube is simply unbeatable!!!
I transformed my Williamson amplifier with 807 (EL34 / 6CA7) KT66 and now use just one ECC40 instead of two 6SN7GT with great results.
“The ECC 40 is an indirectly heated double triode, of which the two sections, apart from the heaters, are completely separate. This valve is intended primarily for use as an A.F. amplifier and phase inverter, but is also suitable for other purposes, for example as an oscillator, frequency changer, blocking oscillator, etc. in u.s.w apparatus. It is also being more and more widely used for electronic counters and calculating and accounting machines. The fact that the valve would often be called upon to meet much more stringent conditions than when used for normal A.F. amplification was taken into consideration in its development: to mention only one factor, the maximum permissible voltage between hea ter and cathode is 175 V, whereas a maximum of 50 V is usually high enough for E-type valves intended only for use in ordinary amplifiers and broadcast receivers. The amplification factor of each section of the ECC 40 is 32 and the mutual conductance 2.9 mA/V; each section is therefore capable of providing a reasonable gain while it will also function efficiently as an oscillator. The heaters of the two sections are connected in parallel and, as the heater current is 0.3 A in each case, the total heater current is 0.6 A at a voltage of 6.3 V. … ”
British equivalent is CV3884. Glass envelope is 20 mm in diameter and, excluding the base pins, is 60 mm tall.
ECC40 Cifte France
ECC40 Philips
ECC 40 Siemens
ECC40 Tungsram Yellow label
ECC40 Tungsram White label
If anyone has Telefunken ECC40 with diamond logo in the bottom I’d like to swap some of my tubes for them.
Click to see all PREAMPLIFIER TRIODES in stock
Hello and thanks for info on ECC40 tubes. I need your oppinion, which one is better sounding, Philips or Siemens?
Do you have any Telefunken ECC40 with diamond bottom?
Thanks and greetings from Heidelberg,
Hello and thank you for visiting
Both Siemens and Philips ECC40 I have are made by Philips and they are the same version.
I have never seen Telefunken ECC40 and I’m not sure Telefunken made any of them.
Hi, I have several ECC40 type, made by la radiotechnique (± code) or Suresnes (F code), with very different inner constructions, and codes (LCC, LC2 (R&D code), LC3, LC4 and LC5), but none from Telefunken
LC4 RT ring getter 2 grey fins, grey plates, ±8J2 bottom code
LCC Philips Round disk getter 4 black fins, black plates 5L (?) bottom code + a STAR on side
LC5 Philips ring getter 2 black fins grey plates F0H3 side code
LC3 24 Philips D-getter 4 fins grey plates F5F bottom code
LC3 25 Philips D-getter 4 fins grey plates F5F bottom code
LC3 35 Philips D-getter 4 fins grey plates F5H bottom code
LC2 Philips Round disk getter 4 vertical fins, R&D 4/H 5F bottom code
LC3 33 Neotron D-getter 4 fins grey plates F5H bottom code