New in original boxes, the only genuine EI version of EL34 from EI Nis tube factory. The 1st version was introduced in 1987, 10 years later a newer version was launched. 6CA7 was also made in Nis, Serbia but in bigger glass envelope of PL509/PL519 tubes and with slightly bigger power dissipation ratings. For this EL34, PL36 /EL36 socket and PL36 glass envelope is used. Disc getter and three holes in plates. A lot of these tubes were very problematic, more than 60% of regular production was under dissipation ratings, but some rare examples, carefully tested are great, sonicaly and by dissipation. I have two batches, one is year 1987 and another is 1998.

EL34 6CA7 EI Yugoslavia Plate StructureEL34 6CA7 EI YugoslaviaEL34 6CA7 EI Yugoslavia Boxes NOSEL34 6CA7 EI Yugoslavia Getter
EL34 6CA7 EI Yugoslavia Plate StructureEL34 6CA7 EI YugoslaviaEL34 6CA7 EI Yugoslavia Boxes NOS

Perfectly matched quad, within 5%!

This is killer EL34 to any new production like JJ, Electro-Harmonix, Genalex-Gold Lion, Svetlana, Mullard, Shuguang, Tung-Sol, … EL34 6CA7 KT77.
They have been made in 90s, when EI factory has still been a respectable tube manufacturer, with tens of thosands tubes on monthly basis with strict quality control, tubes were printed depends on order, for many world famous tube brands like Siemens, Philips, Telefunken, RCA, Marshal, Jadis, Valvo, RTC, …

Click to see all EL34 6CA7 in stock

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Paolo De Marino

    Hello, i need of 4 EL34 “EI”. If available, please, let me know price, shipping cost for Italy ad payement method.
    Paolo De Marino

    1. silvano

      Hello, i need of 4 EL34 “EI”. If available, please, let me know price, shipping cost for Italy ad payement method.

    2. Jose Franco Banzon

      Hi. I would like to buy a matched quad of Ei Yugoslavia EL 34/6CA7 nos tubes if possible. How much would it cost to buy a matched quad set including shipping by express delivery (5-7days) to the Philippines and what is your preferred payment method?

      Thank you.

      Jose Franco Banzon

      1. Mark J Hernandez

        I have 6 ei el 34 tubes for sale. I also have 3 1960,s
        Amperex bugle boy 5ar4 gz34 rectifier made in gb for sale. The holy grail of rectifier tubes

    3. Carlos


      Can you tell me if these tubes are still available?
      I would need a quartet please
      Price and shipping to Germany?

      Thanks a lot

  2. Fausto Feo

    Hello, I’m interested in a quartet EL34 EI.
    And pssibile know the price of the pipes and quato spend it for shipment.
    Sincerely Fausto

  3. Gary Mattis

    Your comment is totally wrong ! , that is NOT the only version of a EL 34 tubes that was made by ; “Ei ” in Yugoslavia , , Ei made some flat top EL 34’s ! . I am not 100 % sure that Ei even made the pointy top ones in the picture actually ? ! , I think that Siemens may have made them for Ei because Ei had a huge failure rate of 50 to 60 % with their own flat top EL 34’s ? ! . The plates would actually glow bright orange and they would start to bias hot and distort after just a few minutes of use sometimes , I know first hand because I bought a NOS quad of them and one tube did just that exactly like they said it would ! . I used a RFT to replace it ! .
    Ei was part of Phillips (I think) by their tube boxes and their must have been either two Ei plants called ; Magnoval and Elecktronska Industrija or two sections at the same plant ? I am not a expert on Ei Yugoslavia by any means but I do know they sold 2 differant of El 34 tubes ! .

    1. Jovan

      Ei (Stands for ‘Elektronska Industrija’) was never part of Siemens, but a completely independent company in Niš, Serbia. Because they were making some of the best tubes in the world for a much lover price than other Western companies could have, Siemens and other companies started ordering from EI to make tubes with Siemens (and other names) marked on them. The reason I know this is because my father was a leading engineer at the EI tube factory in Niš (where I was borne and raised) from 1966 up until it’s closing in early 2000’s. And yes, we have over 4000 (four thousand) EL34 EI tubes that my father had made for him before the machines were sold to another company. Since these are the last original tubes I get very emotional when I hear some wrong or plain inaccurate informations about this tubes coming from people who know nothing about them or the EI company.

      1. paulo

        So fantastic good explanation thank you

  4. Fausto

    I am interested in valves EL34EI
    At the time I need 4 items, just after I take another 16.
    Thanks Fausto.

    1. Nguyễn khoa tưởng

      Tôi muốn mua với số lượng. Có thể cho tôi biết giá được kg?và hinh thức giao dịch như thế nào. Xin cảm ơn

  5. admin

    Hello Garry and thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!

    EI definitely has made “pointy top” EL34 which you could see on photos above.

    On the photos 6 & 7, the third EL34 from the left, the second row of symbols, you can see EI factory code (circle, broken at the bottom, with a dot in the center), the year code (“9” for the production year) 1999 and the month code. This is Philips tube code for Elektronska Industrija Nis tube plant (semicircle or horseshoe shape above dot)

    I’m from Serbia, ex Yugoslavia and I was born and live all my life 200 km far away from EI tube plant in Nis.

    I still remember the day when they have made this EL34 in 1987, as young I have made many AM transmitters and I used a lot of EL34s in modulators, all of them were Philips / Mullard, RFT or Tesla. Suddenly one day EI started to make them and you could buy them in many EI shops everywhere in ex Yugoslavia. These are pre-war tubes with exceptional quality, and as I mentioned in page above, after that quality dropped so you needed to use personal connections to get good ones.

    About your comment that EI had two tube plants, Magnoval and Elektronska Industrija … Magnoval is type of socket, and as Philips used Miniwatt on some of their older tube boxes, EI used, Noval or Magnoval instead of Miniwatt. You can see here examples for Magnoval and Noval:

    PL504 EI Nis Srbija
    PL519 EI Yugoslavia 40KG6A
    PCC88 EI Yugoslavia from late 60s

    EI didn’t make so many octal tubes, so they have packed PL36 and EL34 in Magnoval boxes. Also later KT90, 300B and 400B thay have packed too in Magnoval boxes, despite all of those tubes were octal base.

    Kind regards,


  6. Tomislav


    recite mi molim Vas koliko bi koštao par ovih 6CA7/EL34 cijevi te dvije ECC83 koje su se radile na Telefunken strojevima?

    Zanima me ukupna cijena sa poštarinom do Zagreba!

    Hvala i srdačan pozdrav,


  7. pierluigi

    Hello, i need of 4 EL34 “EI”. If available, please, let me know price, shipping cost for Italy ad payement method.

  8. luigi

    Hi i am italian and i am interesting quad el 34 EI RC. Tall me the price with shipping cost from ItalY
    King regards


    Hello, I need of 2 EL34 El , if available please ,let me know price , shipping cost for Indonesia adpayment method . Thanks Boy Alimoeddin

  10. milan

    potrebne su mi 2 EL34 Ei lampe uparene. Kupio sam par 1994 direktno u Ei katodnim cevima i evo sada su mi stradale 🙂
    Koja je cena i kada su proizvedene.

  11. Mark Kwok


    I am looking for 4 x “EI” 6CA7 (matched quad), please let me know the price and the payment and shipment (I am in Hong Kong) method.


  12. Predrag

    I ja sam zainteresovan za 2 ili 4 zavisi koliko kostaju

  13. silvano

    Hello, i need of 4 EL34 “EI”. If available, please, let me know price, shipping cost for Italy ad payement method.

  14. Sandro

    Hi,i need matched quartet of EL34EI let me know price,shipping cost for Italy and payment method .



  15. Gabriele Vetrugno

    Hi,i need matched octet of EL34EI let me know price,shipping cost for Italy and payment method .


  16. Robert

    Hi guys, I am from Serbia, built some 40-50W 2xEL34 tube guitar amps, in `90s. Tested Philips, RFT and Ei Nis tubes. However, these EL34 Ei Nis tubes made in `80s are totally short life tubes. less than 6 months. I recommend don`t buy. That time one pair of original EL34 Philips tube was around 100 DEM, this tube was around 10 DEM, with obvious reason…

  17. Mirza

    Trebaju mi 2 identicna para EL34 i 2 x 4 identicne ef95 mullard.
    Koliko bi sve skupa bilo sa poštarinom za Sarajevo.
    S Postovanjem,

  18. Matija

    Zainteresiran sam za 1 ili 4 tube Yugodlavia el-34 ovisno kolko koštaju sa poštarinom u okolicu Zagreba.

  19. domenico

    Hi, I Need 4 el34 ei small bottle, have you got them? Which is the price with shipping costs ti Italy?

  20. Nenad

    Kolika je cijena za 4 komada sa poštarinom za hrvatsku?

  21. Tim xu

    Hi I want to buy 2 pairs ei el34, please give me an offer including shipping fee. I live in Canada. Thanks

  22. Jesenko Ristic

    Zdravo, Dragane

    Imate li matched quad of EL34, tri ECC83 (same batch), i koliko bi tih sedam lampi kostalo sa postarinom do Ontario, Canada? Pojacalo je Audiomat Prelude Reference.
    Hvala Vam mnogo!

  23. Wayne Handzus

    Greetings from San Francisco, Ca.
    My guitar amp uses four el34 type tubes, wonder what it would cost like the others who have left words to read for you. I do not need them rite away, but eventually I shall have a use for spares or just for sound change from my existing Junker J’s type tubes that were factory installed, they are not bad your know from what I can see and hear, I know old US tubes are da kine for real too, anyway.
    Keep jamming guitar pickers and pluckers, with help of good el34 power tubes.
    Later friends

    1. Mark J Hernandez

      I have 6 ei el 34 tubes for sale. I also have 3 1960,s
      Amperex bugle boy 5ar4 gz34 rectifier made in gb for sale. The holy grail of rectifier tubes

  24. Dean Halleck

    Hello, I need a Quad set of EL34, KT77, 6P3S-E – or Equivalent tubes for an amplifier – what are your recommendations? — Thank you

    Best Regards,

  25. Ray


    Do you still have stock for quad EI EL34 from yugoslavia? Pls let me know the price and payment method, thanks.


  26. Mark J Hernandez

    I need 1 ei el 34 tube

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