This is complete restoration of state of the art short wave tube telegraph diversity radio receiver Siemens 125e101. I’m occupied with tubes and radio staff for more that 25 years, and during this time tons of receivers have been in my hands, but this one is really unique. It shows in every segment what really means “the best money can buy” sentence and even more total devotion to make a perfect and very complex product, the best medium waves and short waves receiver in whole tube era!!! It has 52 CCa (E88CC / 6922 ) tubes, Siemens made with gold pins, 25 C3m loctal socket tubes made by Siemens and two Philips stab 108C1 and 85A2. This receiver covers 1.5MHz to 30
MHz, complete SW and the end of MW, what is very interesting for medium waves AM pirate band. 300 kg of pure masterpiece!
The complete receiver is disassembled and air compressor is prepared for cleaning the modules! First with air, than with alcohol!
This receiver was owned by smokers all his life :(, so the difference is very visible. If you are a passionate smoker, this is nice opportunity to see what happens with your lungs 🙂
Sunbathing for few days and tobacco smoke is totally gone!
I took out all Siemens CCa tubes. Among them there were few extremely rare D getter gray shield. I swap CCa with ECC88 6DJ8 EI Yugoslavia and PCC88 EI
to be continued …
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